Twitterspeak für Tweeple

Was verbirgt sich wohl hinter twalking, twiking und twitterfly? Alle die in der twitosphere unterwegs sind wissen natürlich sofort was gemeint ist – Twitterspeak!
Der Trick der sich hinter der Twittersprache verbirgt, ist simple und zu gleich einfach. Man nehme die ersten zwei Buchstaben des microblogging services Twitter (tw-) und ersetzt damit die ersten beiden Buchstaben eines beliebigen Wortes. Was wunderbar im Englischen klappt, funktioniert genauso gut mit der deutschen Sprache. Hört sich doch ein wenig sehr merkwürdig an! Es gilt also auch hier es lebe der Anglizismus…
Hier eine Liste von 66 englischen Twitter Bergriffen zusammengestellt von Pete Cashmore:


adventuritter: an adventurous twitterer
beetweet: a buzzing tweet; a „hot“ tweet
co-twitterer: a partner that tweets on your Twitter account.
dweet: tweet sent while intoxicated
drive-by-tweet: a quick post inbetween tasks
friendapalooza: a quick burst of friend-adding
mistweet: a tweet in which one later regrets
neweeter: a new tweeter
occasionitter: an occasional tweeter
politweeter: a political tweeter
politweet: a political tweet
qwitter: a tool used to catch twitter quitters-
reportwitters: reporter style twitterers
sweeple: sweet twitter people


twadd: to add/follow someone to your Twitter account as a friend.
twaffic: Twitter traffic.
twaiting: twittering while waiting.
twalking: walking while twittering via text.
twapplications: Twitter applications.


twead: to read a tweet from a fellow twitterer.
tweepish: feeling sheepish or regretful about something you tweeted.
tweeple: Twitter people, Twitter members, Twitter users.
tweeps: Twitter people that follow each other from one social media/network to another.
tweetaholism: the continued use of Twitter as an addiction that is difficult to control.
tweetaholic: someone addicted to Twitter, so much so that it may be an actual problem.
tweet-back: bringing a previous tweet conversation or reference back into the current conversation.
tweet-dropping: eavesdropping on someone else’s home page in friends mode.
tweeter: a user of Twitter.
tweeterboxes: twitterers who tweet too much.
tweetheart: that special tweeter who makes your heart skip a beat.
tweetin: when a group of twitterers agree to get together at a set time to twitter.
tweet(ing): the act of posting to Twitter.
tweets: posts on Twitter by twitterers.
tweetsulted, tweetsult: what do you think it means, you dumb twitterer?
tweetup: when twitterers meet in person – a Twitter meet up.


twideo-cronicity: when you’re watching someone’s videos and they are simultaneously leaving a comment or tweet for/at/about you.
twiking: biking while twittering via text.
twinkedIn: inviting friends made on Twitter to connect with you on LinkedIn.
twis: to dis a fellow twitterer. very bad form.
twitosphere: community of twitterers.
twittastic: fantastic, wonderful, superb.
twittcrastination: avoiding action while twittering, procrastination enabled by Twitter use.
twittduit: If you need to tweet a friend that does not follow you, post a twittduit asking your followers to pass a message.
twittectomy: an unfollowing of friends.
twitter-light zone: where you are when you return to Twitter after any time away and feel disoriented and lost.
twitter stream: a collection of tweets often times in alphabetical order
twitosphere: the community of twepple.
twitterati: The A-list twitterers.
twittercal mass: a community that has achieved a critical mass of twitterers.
twitterer: a user of Twitter (compare: tweeter).
twittering: to send a Twitter message.
twitterish: erractic behavior with short outbursts.
twitteritas: women who play with their twitters.
twitterness: a person’s contribution to the twitosphere.
twitterfly: being a social butterfly on Twitter evidenced by extreme usage of @ signs.
twitterject: interject your tweet into an existing tweet stream of conversation.
twitter-ku: those who either post on both Twitter and Jaiku or load their Twitter feed into Jaiku.
twitterlinkr: a service collecting the best links posted through Twitter.
twitterlooing: twittering from a bathroom.
twitterloop: to be caught up with friend tweets and up on the conversation.
twittermob: an unruly and ragtag horde of people who descend on an ill-prepared location after a provocative Twitter message.
twittermaps: a mashup technology that lets Twitter users find each other using google maps.
twitterpated: to be overwhelmed with Twitter messages.
twitterphoria: the elation you feel when the person you’ve added as a friend adds you back.
twitterage: rage at a twitter post.
twitterrhea: the act of sending too many Twitter messages.

Da die Zahl der Neuwörter stark ansteigt und bei dem Ein oder Anderen sicherlich noch für Verunsicherung sorgt, gibt es zwei Wöterbücher, Twictionary und Twittonary, die beim Übersetzten helfen sollen.

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